Why Do Cavities And Teeth Whitening Not Mix?

Why Do Cavities And Teeth Whitening Not Mix?

Who doesn’t prefer a cheerful, bright smile without any stains or yellowish teeth? An effective tooth whitening procedure can significantly increase confidence, whether you’re getting ready for holiday celebrations with your friends or family or just want to brighten your smile for general aesthetics. But, before you go for a teeth whitening kit, you should see a dentist for a dental checkup to rule out any cavities. Why? Because the use of teeth whitening kits contains ingredients that may result in substantial pain and damage to a tooth that has a cavity.

In this blog, we outline the reasons why that cavities and teeth whitening do not mix and offer advice on how to properly and safely whiten your teeth.

Why do Cavities and Teeth Whitening Not Mix?

The association between teeth whitening and dental health is typically not problematic. In actuality, when carried out correctly, whitening procedures are frequently pretty secure. When there are cavities or rotting, it is a different story. The primary ingredient in the majority of whitening products is hydrogen peroxide or a substance close to it. These ingredients reach the inner layers of the tooth, which then breaks apart the pigment molecules there. This could result in a brief rise in dental sensitivity in a sound tooth. This can also result in severe pain in a tooth that has decayed, as it deteriorates the already sensitive tooth structure. In the worst instance, you can end up harming the already-damaged tooth further and permanently.

Get an expert consultation before you go for a teeth whitening procedure

Make an appointment for a dental checkup right away if it has been a while since your last one. Your dentist will check for cavities and administer any required care. It should be okay for you to continue with your teeth-whitening plans once any cavities are filled.

Ask your dentist’s office about expert teeth whitening procedures while you’re there. Although professional medicines are more potent and operate more quickly, over-the-counter products can occasionally be somewhat effective. Also, you might feel more at ease because a dental staff closely supervises the procedure.

Follow These Tips For Teeth Whitening

Here are some extra suggestions to help you whiten your teeth as safely and comfortably as you can:

  • Observe the directions. It’s crucial that you adhere to the directions if you’re using an over-the-counter or at-home professional whitening kit.
  • You shouldn’t whiten your teeth more frequently than once per few months, or leave the whitening chemicals on them longer than recommended.
  • Modify your diet. Avoiding acidic, hot, and cold foods and beverages temporarily will help to lessen any discomfort brought on by any sensitivity.
  • Guard your gums. Try your best to avoid using white strips or comparable products anywhere other than your tooth enamel because whitening compounds can irritate the gums. Prefer office teeth whitening procedure over over-the-counter medications.
  • Although teeth whitening is typically a secure cosmetic procedure, it should only be used on healthy teeth. Your dentist will be pleased to assist you in whitening your teeth without endangering your dental health.

You can also read: What Goes On At An Emergency Dental Appointment?

Meet the Dentist

Fillings, take-home whitening, and in-office whitening are just a few of the aesthetic and restorative dentistry procedures provided by the dentists and specialists at Smithville Dental in Smithville, Texas. We would be pleased to speak with you if you have any questions about how you might enhance the health or appearance of your teeth. Reach us at 512-237-4420 for an appointment.

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