Brushing and Flossing 101

Brushing and Flossing 101

Many of us are taken aback to hear that our tooth-brushing and flossing techniques are inadequate, despite the fact that we have been practicing these habits for quite some time. Even a short brushing session won’t do most folks any favors.

To keep your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy and clean, follow these four simple steps:

  • Use a two-minute brushing session with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, preferably before bed and in the morning.
  • Never skip flossing, especially before bed.
  • Cut down on snacking during the day.
  • Every six months, schedule an appointment with your dentist to get a professional cleaning and checkup.

Studies have shown that consuming acidic foods and beverages while eating can wear down tooth enamel. The risk of enamel degradation is increased if you brush your teeth right after eating or drinking anything acidic. Drinking or rinsing with water right after eating or drinking can help avoid tooth erosion. Brushing your teeth too soon after consuming acidic foods or drinks might harm your enamel, so wait at least 30 minutes before you eat or drink anything acidic.

Plaque and food debris can erode teeth and gums if not removed with a two-minute brushing session twice a day. Plaque, which can have a devastating effect on your dental health if it remains, and food trapped in fissures or between teeth can both be removed and prevented by flossing every day.

Use a stopwatch to get a sense of how long it will take. Brushing your teeth correctly involves using short, delicate strokes and focusing on hard-to-reach regions such as the gum line, back teeth, and the spaces surrounding restorations such as fillings, crowns, implants, and the spaces in between. Pay close attention to every part and clean it thoroughly:

  • Begin with cleaning the outside of your upper teeth, and then go on to your lower teeth.
  • Before you clean your lower teeth, make sure to wipe the insides of your upper teeth.
  • Thoroughly wipe down each tooth’s chewing surface.
  • Brushing your tongue at least once a day can also help with bad breath.
  • Using brushes
  • While brushing your gums, hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle. Brush each tooth by gliding the toothbrush back and forth.
  • Apply the same back-and-forth motion to brush the inside surfaces of your teeth.
  • Give each tooth a gentle brushing on its chewing surface.
  • Make up and down, top and bottom, and front and back strokes with the tip of the brush to brush behind each tooth.
  • To eliminate microorganisms that cause bad breath, brush your tongue.

Also read : Why Is It Important That You Get the Tooth Crown Before the Year Is Over?

Dental flossing

  • Retrieve a length of dental floss ranging from 18 to 24 inches from the dispenser.
  • Secure the floss ends around your middle and index fingers.
  • Wrap the floss firmly around each tooth in a C shape and gently glide it back and forth between your teeth using a push-pull motion.


Keep these tips in mind while brushing and flossing; we are sure you’ll be able to enjoy healthy teeth for a long time. Visit Smithville Dental to learn more about brushing techniques for the best dental care.

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